- About us
INI participants
- Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)
- National Security Academy of the Republic of Belarus (ANB)
- Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after the First President of Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin
- National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
- Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM)
- Ural Federal University named after the First President B.N. Yeltsin
- International Academy of Law "BERINGOFF" (Russia-Switzerland)
- Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL)
- Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
- Karagandy University named after E. A. Buketov (Republic of Kazakhstan)
- Autonomous non-commercial organization of post-graduate professional education "PSB Academy"
- China Anti-Money Laundering Research Center of Fudan University (China)
- National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (NRU MEPhI)
- Pacific National University
- Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
- Moscow University of Finance and Law (MFUA)
- Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAS)
- Stavropol State Agrarian University (StGAU)
- Rostov State University of Economics (RSUE)
- Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
- Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
- Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN)
- Tajik State University of Finance and Economics
- The Academy of Public Administration under The President of the Kyrgyz Republic named after Zh.Abdrahmanov
- Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
- Training Center of the State Financial Intelligence Service under the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Belarusian State University (BSU) (Republic of Belarus)
- International Training and Methodology Centre for Financial Monitoring
- Belarusian State University of Economics (Republic of Belarus)
- Southern Federal University
- Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev (OSU)
- Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Tyumen State University (TSU)
- Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN)
- V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (KFU)
- St. Petersburg State University of Economics
- Sevastopol State University (SevSU)
- Siberian Federal University (SFU)
- Kyrgyz State Technical University named after Iskhak Razzakov
- Ural State Law University named after V.F. Yakovlev (USGUU)
- Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)
- AML Academy (Republica of Kazakhstan)
- Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University (NovSU)
- State University of Management (GUU)
- American University in the Emirates
- Turan University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- Delta University for Science and Technology
- Tajik National University (Republic of Tajikistan)
- Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (AT the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)
- National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)
- Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn
- Tashkent State University of Economics
- Russian-Tajik Slavonic University (RTSU) (Republic of Tajikistan)
- Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Programs
- Events
Media library
- HR Requirements of the Digital Economy. Bank of Russia
- Cluster structure of the cryptocurrency market and market risk diversification opportunities of investment portfolio cryptoactives. IMEMO
- Machine Learning Model Constructor. MEPhI
- Project for updating professional standard. Center for Assessment of Qualifications
- System of independent assessment of qualifications in the field of AML CFT. Center for Assessment of Qualifications 2
- The Current State and Legal Regulation of the Crypto Environment. Institute of Comparative Law and Legislation
- Blockchain Technology in Cryptocurrencies. MEPhI & EC-Leasing”, CJSC
- Fintech Ecosystem and the Growing Competition in the Market for Cross-Border Interbank Payment Service. IMEMO
- Dynamics and Structure of Investment in the Global Crypto Complex. IMEMO
- Use of modern Technology to Identify Suspicioussubject to Mandatory Control Transactions. Interfax
- Systemic Risks Linked to the Digitalization of the Economy and Opening of Smart Bank Branches (international aspects). MFA’s Diplomatic Academy
- Diplomatic Academy of Russian Foreign Ministry. Shadow Economy All Over the WorldСollection of articles. 2018
- Transforming the Regulation of Russian Financial Institutions - a Response to Modern Challenges of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. Rostov State University of Economics
- Building of Multilateral Cooperation of BRICS Countries in the Field of Financial Technologies
- Стартует тематический урок по финансовой безопасности
- Академия правоохранительных органов выпустила специалистов для Агентства по финансовому мониторингу
- Очередное заседание Учебно-методического совета Международного сетевого института в сфере ПОД/ФТ
- 14-ая Международная научно-практическая конференция на тему «Анагенез управления финансами реального сектора экономики, меза и макроуровня: гарантии, пути достижения и угрозы финансового благополучия»
- Международный семинар, посвященный расследованию финансовых преступлений
- Международная научно-практическая конференция «Актуальные аспекты предупреждения экстремизма и терроризма на современном этапе: проблемы и возможные способы их преодоления»
- Молодежные проекты в сфере противодействия коррупции
- Первая Республиканская олимпиада по финансовой безопасности для школьников в Кыргызстане
- Международная научно-практическая конференция на тему «Глобальные вызовы и угрозы в сфере правоохранительной деятельности: современные стратегии и решения»
- Обучение иностранных граждан по квотам Правительства России
- Outcomes of the Scientific and Practical Conference of the International Network AML/CFT Institute
- Conference of the International Network AML/CFT Institute: Relevant Issues Concerning Development and Implementation of AML/CFT Educational Programs
- Opening of Annual Scientific and Practical Conference of the International Network AML/CFT Institute
- We Invite You to Take Part in the VII Annual Scientific and Practical Conference of the International Network AML/CFT Institute “Threats and Risks to Financial Security in the Context of Digital Transformation”
- Congratulations to the Rostov State University of Economics on its 90th anniversary!
- The International Financial Security Olympiad ended in Sochi
- Olympiad Diary: Conducting Financial Investigations and Criminal Proceedings
- Olympiad Diary: Debates, Briefing and Sport
- Opening ceremony of the first international financial security olympiad was held in Sochi
- The 15th Meeting of the Council of the International Network AML/CFT Institute (INI) Took Place
- Session on the Preparation for the INI’s Council Meeting, as Well as on the Issues Related to Organization of the International Financial Security Olympiad to be Held on October 3-9, 2021
- Russian Universities that are Members of the International Network AML/CFT Institute Have Started Accepting Admission Applications from Foreign Candidates for the 2022/2023 Academic Year
- Пригласительный этап V Международной олимпиады по финансовой безопасности стартует в феврале Новости
- Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских работ «Экономическая безопасность: современные вызовы, угрозы и тренды»
- Международная научно-практическая конференция «Актуальные аспекты предупреждения экстремизма и терроризма на современном этапе: проблемы и возможные способы их преодоления»
- X Международная научно-практическая конференция Международного сетевого института в сфере ПОД/ФТ "Финансовая безопасность - новые горизонты"
- Ежегодная научная конференция "Юриспруденция 2.0.: Новый взгляд на право" в Юридическом институте РУДН